Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

What is NASH (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) and how to reverse in New York City?

If your doctor ever told you that you have fatty liver, you have what is medically called NASH. It is a condition characterized by inflammation and fat accumulation in the liver.

Physician supervised and safe weight loss

Physician supervised and safe weight loss

What truly causes NASH or fatty liver and how to reverse it in NYC?

Although most primary care doctors and many gastroenterology doctors do not educate you as they themselves may not fully be aware of the true underlying issue that causes NASH.

What is the true cause of NASH and how to reverse it?

The underlying process that causes NASH is also the same process that makes you gain weight and puts you at risk for other more serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes. What is that process called? It is called insulin resistance. Learn more on fatty liver.

Weight loss NYC

How can W8MD’s insurance physician weight loss program help in NYC?

If your doctor ever told you that you have fatty liver, you should contact W8MD. As our physicians are uniquely educated not just about the true cause of NASH and weight gain called insulin resistance, but they are also trained and experienced in reversing it through weight loss.